DIY Home Decor
Decorating a Flowerpot
with our Hot Glue Gun Art. 269ok
and our Wood saw blade Art. 730
How it`s done

Step 1:
What you need:
- Flowerpot
- natural fibre (e.g. a piece of potato sack)
- Branches
- Cord our saw Art.730
- and the hot glue gun Art.269ok.

Step 2:
First, the length of the branches is determined by the flowerpot…

Step 3:
…and then shortened with the saw 730.

Step 4:
Now the pot is covered with a piece of natural fibre and fixed with the hot glue gun.

Step 5:
Then the sawn branches are glued on and decorated with a cord if necessary.

Step 6:
You need this product for the craft idea
Item #: 269ok
Price 27,95 €
Weight 0.22 kg
Ready for shipping
Delivery time:
2 - 3 Days
2 - 3 Days
Item #: 730
Designer saw blade with wood saw blade
Designer saw blade with wood saw blade
Price 8,95 €
Weight 0.144 kg
Ready for shipping
Delivery time:
2 - 3 Days
2 - 3 Days